Oh, hey! 🤙🏾

I’m a Brooklyn-based writer and marketing strategist.

Arrow pointing right

I’m a Gemini. Honestly, that’s worked in my favor in the workplace.

How so? My ability to be a creative and a strategist aren’t at odds. Over the course of my career, I’ve won millions of $$$ in new business, put influencers on TV, refined operational processes, and more. Yup. I’m that versatile.

Writing is a huge part of my life which is why I don’t call it a ‘hobby.’ I have a batch of manuscripts at various stages in the creative process, too.

For any agents reading this, I’m a good public speaker and am great on camera so…get at me!

Key takeaway? I love writing more than a good Kelly Clarkson ballad. And I go hard for our American Idol.

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