Dove’s #BigPitEnergy

Dove wanted to speak to Gen Z so my agency came back to the table with subversive creative that resonated on-and-offline.


Director of Strategy


Reflect the Culture

From a cultural standpoint, we noticed the fear mainstream media seemed to have with armpits. We also understood Gen Z’s desire to present more ‘authentic’ versions of themselves. That made our job simple enough: build a campaign that brought purpose + product together.

Assemble the Right Pieces

We knew a strong creative wrapper would help sway the client so we chose to be provocative and challenge the status quo. Inspired by BDE, we landed on Big Pit Energy, a phrase I accidentally coined in an internal brainstorm.

Next was finding a relevant yet eclectic group of Gen Z creators. Their mission? Show love to their underarms—smooth, hairy, or bumpy—in order to keep showing love to themselves. Dove loved this idea so much, they increased the campaign budget by 122%.

Fun fact: we also pitched for their Body Polish at the same time but went in without a creative wrapper. They liked Big Pit Energy enough to ask for something similar for their polish. By the end of the day. I isolated myself and came up with 3 or 4 options. The winner? No Scrubs, a concept that incorporated key product messaging (no harsh beads that ‘scrub’ the skin) and a bit of pop culture nostalgia.

And we didn’t disappoint. Our content garnered 79% positive sentiment, #BigPitEnergy being adapted for an experiential activation truck that was placed in select arena parking lots during Harry Style’s national US tour.

Sustain Client Trust

I remained involved in the full life cycle of the campaign. This wasn’t always the case with my agency at the time. But due to my strong interpersonal communication skills, I made our client feel confident with every move we made. This was major, too. After mentioning the desire to do a YouTube Shorts test, the client casually offered a few hundred thousand dollars for it.

Yup. I’d say they trusted us!


Monkey 47 Gin